Monday, October 8, 2018

15 Days To Fill With Miracles

So 15 days left as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I am so excited because I know it is going to be full of miracles and memories for me to take home. I am feeling so much better about things. I have been a lot less nervous and am actually starting to get excited so that is definitely a good thing haha.

This week we had a really cool experience. Tuesday all of our plans canceled so we were literally walking around all afternoon. We found three teenage girls outside of their house so we went over to talk to them. Well they were really sweet and invited us to come by Wednesday to share our message with them. We went and had a charla with 6 of them (and they are all sisters). There is Agustina who is 16, Sofia and Pamela who are 12, Camila who is 14, and Yazmin who is 9. They were home alone which was super weird so we asked them why. Well their mother passed away 5 years ago and now there is only them 6, three other sisters, and their dad in the house. Obviously the dad works a tonnnnn. He basically is never home but they are always together sundays to go to church. They are currently attending an evangelist church but we invited them to our ward talent show and our special sunday and they committed to coming. Friday we taught them the Plan of Salvation and it went soooooooo good. They said that it sounded so familiar and they really felt the spirit. Excited to see what happens this week:)

This week while reading in Mosiah 24: 14-15 I thought a lot about what the people of Alma were going through. They were suffering persecutions from the Lamanites to a level we cannot comprehend. They had all their rights taken away as well as their ability to pray out loud. So, they prayed in their hearts to heavenly father and what did he say? He did not say he would take away their burdens completely. He did not say all the problems would go away. BUT, he did say that he would help them to support the burdens they were facing. I think many times we expect our Heavenly Father to just take away our trials but that completely ruins the purpose of the trial. When we turn to him he will give us the strength to endure and overcome the trial for ourselves. He loves us and wants us to learn and progress. I am grateful for the trials I have had and have in my life. I am grateful to my heavenly Father for his love and his help.

Have an amazing week,
Hermana Labrum

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