Monday, October 8, 2018

It Isn't What We Possess: It's What We Know (Oct. 16, 2017)

This week has been hard. I have honestly been so so nervous about going home that I have been sick haha. So, my bishop gave me a priesthood blessing and it was honestly so amazing. I have always had a testimony of the Priesthood but I was really able to see how much Heavenly Father can bless us with the Priesthood. With that said, Allam blessed the sacrament for the first time and it was so precious haha he was so nervous so he messed up the first time but then the second time was perfect. I was so so happy for him. He also received a calling this week as secretary in the young mens presidency and he is really excited about that.

As you can see from my pics we went fishing!!!!!! Haha and it made me so happy. Fishing is interesting here (very different from home) but I think it was one of the funnest things I have done in Uruguay. Tip of the week: Uruguayans do not know how to fish HAH.

This week something really cool happened. At home when I went with my parents to New York we participated in a sacrament meeting that was very unique. During the first hour everything that we do was explained and basically it was a way for people to learn what we Mormons do. I really loved how it worked. Here in San Carlos there are a lot of people who just want to know what Mormons do!! So, I got permission to go to consejo del barrio(idk what that is in English haha) to share the idea. And they loved it!!! So, the 29 of October we are doing a special Sunday. The first hour will be completely explained and then the second hour will be a group reunion talking about basic principles and the third hour will be a talk about eternal families and then we will share a lunch. This week we made 200 invitations with envelopes and sparkles and everything hahah and gave them all out to members to invite two friends. I am super excited to see how it goes and hopefully it will help us find new investigators that will already have friends in the church.

I am so grateful to know that there is a plan! I have realized that God literally has a plan layed out perfectly for each and everyone of us. He loves us. He loves us unconditionally. I know that everything that happens happens for a reason. There is no such thing as coincidence. I know that everyone we meet and everything we do happens for a reason and that there is always something to be learned. Take advantage of every moment! It is a moment you will never get back and a lesson to be learned. I know that our heavenly father loves us unconditionally. Have an amazing week.

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