Saturday, October 6, 2018

Go Out With Fire (August 21, 2017)

So I am here in my new area San Carlos and WOW haha it is a lot of work. We are in a whitewash so we literally spend all day knocking doors and meeting the members and that is about it but let me tell you I LOVE IT. Last week my dad told me that in these last 11 weeks I have to go out with fire! And that is exactly what I am doing. I have just felt so awesome this week because I feel like I have given it 100 percent and I am SO grateful to be a missionary. My area is a little town right outside of a main city so it is super chill but not dirt roads (lucky me) haha. My companion, Hermana Hartley, is a sweetheart who is really patient and kind. We are enjoying our time together.

Leaving San Jose de Carrasco was actually harder than leaving home haha. I cried sooooooo much. The ward threw me a goodbye party and it was just amazing. It is really taking some adjustment getting used to San Carlos.
We found a really awesome guy named German this week! So, we have been just knocking doors 24 /7 and usually if it is awkward you just start out asking if they know anyone we can visit and German said, ¨me¨. Come at 6! So we went and WOW He is so great. He is 26 and really just sad and alone and he said he wants to find a God but does not know where to look so we are in the process and wow it was really cool just to see how our Heavenly Father has people prepared for us no  matter where we go.

I finished the Book of Mormon once again this week and just realized how grateful I am for that book. I have noticed that really by reading it every single day we are setting ourselves up to have a successful and happy day. I am so grateful to know that no matter how hard things may seem we can turn to this book and it will show us answers and provide the comfort that we need. I know that it is a book full of power and love. I know that no matter what, we can always feel peace through just one verse. I love you all and hope you have the BEST week. 

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