Saturday, October 6, 2018

Follow Me and I Will Make You Fishers of Men

This week has been so so fun!!!! We have been trying to do new things because well after 4 months in an area things just kinda get the same, so this week I learned how to clean and cook my own fish haha and it was super super fun. This week the weather has also been insane!!! It has been one day of cold, the next hot, and the next pouring rain haha. This week also some of my favorite members from Maldonado and Trinidad came down to visit and see how things were going and so that really made this a special week.

So our less actives came to church again!!!! We had once again a really spiritual charla that ended with us all in tears and this week everyday at 6 we are going over to read the Book of Mormon with them to help them gain a testimony and a habit once again.

This week I also took out my Uruguayan ID so I am officially a citizen:)

Rodrigo is making serious progress. This week he opened up about a lot of addictions that he is trying to leave behind and how hard it is but that he is really trying because he knows the importance of baptism. That really hit me. I realized how amazing it is how quickly someone can really find a testimony and understand the importance of something only through  the spirit. I am so grateful to be a missionary and for all I am learning here. Have a great week!!

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