Monday, October 1, 2018

13 Months and Addicted to Mate (June 12, 2017)

Sooooooooo I made it! 13 whole months here in Uruguay and it has been the absolute greatest 13 months of my life. I am so so grateful to my heavenly father for the time I have had and the time I will continue to have. I just know these last 5 months will be the absolute best.

Well Hermana Hatch is just changing me haha; we go workout everyday and I actually eat fruits and vegetables (wild right??)) and I am addicted to Mate (pics below) If you all get the chance back there in the states give it a shot:)

So this week I learned a new hobby I have!! I LOVE HIGHLIGHTING HAIR!! We needed a new technique to find young investigators so we have started highlighting hair. It's great because they have no choice but to sit and listen while I do hair. I think it may be the most genius idea I have had in all my mission haha. 

This week we celebrated Hermana Chadwicks bday and it was super fun. Hermana Eddy came and picked us up and took us into Carrasco to get crepes and Carrasco is like California here. It was so so fun to feel like we were in the states for just a moment. This week we also met my Uruguayan twin. We found a new investigator named Milly and she is 18 and super hippie and studying physchology and photography just like I wanna do hahaha! Well we started teaching her about Jesus Christ and she was so accepting and asked us to come back and teach her more because she is really trying to grow closer with her Savior and it was just a really special mission experience so we will see where that goes:)

This week we also had the baptism of Camila and it was so so sweet. She even brought her mom to church with her Sunday and said when she recieved the Holy Ghost that she felt like she wanted to cry because she was so happy so it was a really special baptism to watch these three little best friends grow together in the gospel.

This week we also started teaching temple prep classes to a couple of members and had the BEST family night yesterday. We got some members, investigators, and less actives together and talked about the plan of salvation and not an eye was tear free in the room. The spirit was so strong and really was a special experience. After we celebrated Julios bday and then we played pool. It was perfect.
Hope you all have an amazing week. 

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