Monday, October 8, 2018

Lo Dificil Es Bueno

This week has been so fast it is unreal. I do not know how time is flying so quickly. This week was such a blessing as we got to watch general conference. It made me sad as I realized it would be my last opportunity to watch it in Spanish with my convert and companion at my side and it was really just a huge reality shock for me. I am so grateful for all the experiences I have been able to have in these last 17 months and how even more grateful I am for my 20 years with the gospel in my life.

This week we had a really amazing experience in which we had plans to visit a menos activo but felt inspired to visit a member instead which was kind of weird but we did it and wow. We found three of the strongest hermanas in the ward crying and struggling with how hard things are right now. Immediately a Mormon Message came into my head so I asked to show them. After that they shared what had been going on and said that they had always had a testimony of missionary work but never like they did in that moment. I realized missionaries are called and guided to teach the ward not just people that do not have the gospel. If you are struggling or need to be uplifted call the missionaries and I promise they will lift your spirits and help in the way that you need.

Allam is doing SO GOOD. This week we started working really hard on his family history so that we can go to the temple to do baptisms with him in about 2 weeks. He came to every single session of conference and took notes on every single talk and he is doing just amazing. I am really excited to see where he will be at a year from now:)

General conference was amazing! I absolutely loved Elder Stevensons talk about how we have to be careful to not let the little things block out the most important things in our lives. Sometimes we have to just step back and take an eternal perspective on things and realize that everything is going to be okay. I hope you all have an amazing week!!

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