Monday, October 8, 2018

It Was All Worth It In the End

So, this is the last letter I will write as a missionary and I decided to do it a little bit different and share with you guys 104 lessons I have learned as a missionary. Thank you for all the support and prayers that you have shown me over the last 18 months. I have felt them. I love you all and am so excited to see you next week.
1. Jesus Christ lives!
2. Heavenly Father knows us better than we know ourselves.
3. Bishops are called of God.
4. It is a good thing to cry:)
5. If you are not changing just to be just a little bit better each day you are doing it all wrong.
6. Never eat Mondongo. Never.
7. If you feel sad go talk to a little child.
8. Families are forever. Cherish them.
9. Heavenly Father is actually a very very funny man.
10. Do not watch the Good Dinosaur if you are missing home. Very bad idea.
11. Colombia knows how to make good hot chocolate.
12. Spanish is really hard. Especially when those from Venezuela speak.
13. A missionary tag in itself literally has a power.
14. Companionship's are inspired each time.
15. Eternity stays in clearer focus when we focus on others.
16. The gift of tongues is real.
17. Never eat ice cream with cheese on it.
18. Obedience is a choice.
19. Pescado and pecado are very different words.
20. If you do not raise the bar you will never know your potential.
21. Poco a Poco.
22, The temple contains all the answers within.
23. The gospel changes lives.
24. Live the rule and you will learn why you should live it.
25. SMILE.
26. Play volleyball with latinos. It will change your life haha
27. Remember Him.
28. Do not trust cars in Uruguay. They will hit you without problem.
29. Choose a positive attitude.
30. Don´t talk. Listen. It is much more effective.
31. When you loose your life you will find it..
32. A note can make someones day.
33. Listen to Daddy Yankee. His music is great.
34. Emma Smith is a hero.
35. 24 hour fasts are powerful.
36. The Priesthood should be used daily.
37. Dogs are not nice in Uruguay.
38. When Satan reminds you of past sins tell him, ¨"that is not who I am anymore"
39. Stressed? Go rake pine needles.
40. Starbucks is much better in Brasil.
41. We choose to use our trials as stepping blocks or stumbling stones.
43. It´s important to know what is important.
44. If you want to light up others lives you must 1st glow yourself.
45. Visit the less actives in your ward.
46. Be grateful for dishwashers and laundry dryers.
47. The lord did not send us here to fail.
48. The sky is bigger in Uruguay.
49. Isiah 41:10, 13
50. Selfishness suffocates spiritual senses.
51. Coincidences do not exist.
52. Mission Presidents are called of God.
53. Sweet potato dulce is where it is at.
54. Brazilians are the funnest.
55. Heavenly Father hears our prayers.
56. McDonalds is much better in Uruguay.
57. Miracles happen each day we just have to look for them. 
58. Give the Book of Mormon to everyone.
59. Never give up on people. Everyone can change.
60. Do not procrastinate.
61. The spirit comes quickly through Mormon Messages. 
62. Never get your hair dyed in Uruguay.
63. General Conference is a treasure.
64. Sing hymns to focus and be happy.
65. Oil soup is awful. you will throw up.
66. With a strong motive you can overcome anything.
67. Give out candy AND pass along cards for Halloween.
68. With the Lord we can conquer the impossible.
69. When we really know Christ we will want to be obedient.
70. Buy skechers:)
71. With more honesty comes greater clarity.
72. Be careful climbing roofs....
73. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
74. Bikes are really hard to ride.
75. Satan cannot conquer if we will have otherwise.
76. Mate: Delicious and nutritious.
77. You are never too old to accept the gospel.
78. You never know where in the world you will find best friends.
79. Eat rice with hot dog, egg, and mustard. YUM.
80.  Do not stop until you are proud.
81. You have family all over the world.
82. Heavenly Father protects his missionaries.
83. Keep your eyes open for stranded puppies.
84. You never know who is ready to accept the gospel.
85. Love your parents the way they love you.
86. God takes us how we are and turns us into who he wants us to be.
87. Do not do fireworks as a missionary.
88. Set eternal goals now.
89. Without members there is no missionary work.
90. "Lord, what would you have me do next?"
91. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
92. Be different.
93. Everyone is worthy of Gods love.
94. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.
95. Face your doubts and master your fears.
96. Become converted to the gospel.
97. Do 5 seconds of courage.
98. Chairs are just weaker in Uruguay:)
99. Opposition turns up almost every time something good happens.
100. Answers ALWAYS come.
101. Want glasses? Move to Uruguay. The sun is so strong it will destroy your eyes.
102. Never distrust an experience that you have had.
103. When you are in the service of your fellow beings you are only in the service of your God.
104. Enjoy every moment the Lord has given you.

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