Monday, October 8, 2018

16 Months and Still Underwater (September 11, 2017)

Well Uruguay is still underwater and the rain has not stopped at all but hey they say it should be coming to an end in about a week so that is definitely exciting:)

This week Allam progressed even more. Literally he surprises me more each and everyday. This week he called and asked us to come to the church because he had something to tell us. I got pretty nervous thinking he was probably just going to drop us but NO. He brought us tortas fritas and said he just wanted to read the book of mormon with us hahah. It was honestly so cute. He is super great. One more week and then his baptism:)

We also had an investigator named Claudio come to church this week. He is part of literally A CRAZY church but he is changing his opinion. He came and said that he really liked the way he felt and that we take the sacrament every week. He told us he is starting to realize some things that just do not make since in his church and slowly he is starting to accept principles from our church while reading the BOM. We are super excited to see his progression.

This week we also had our multi zone conference which means I got to see Hermana Hatch and that made me so so happy. We talked a lot about our Savior Jesus Christ and that what we are doing we are doing because we love him.

I realized that Jesus Christ really is my friend! He took me as the person I was and healed me.He molded me and made me whole again. He loved me when I was not such a great person and loves me now. He was kind and loving enough to take time to save me and show me the way to eternal life through happiness. He loves me unconditionally. He chose me from the furnace of affliction and refined me. He caused my roughest edges to become smooth. I am encircled about eternally in the arms of his love. The Lord will fight for us. He loves us and wants nothing but the best for us.

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