Monday, October 8, 2018

17 Months and Still Loving It! (October 9, 2017)

So today marks exactly one more month as a missionary, and that is just weird. Super weird!  This week was AWESOME! Honestly I think time is just starting to fly by faster and faster every day. But we are trying to give it our all so there are no regrets.

So about 3 weeks ago I was asked to start teaching an English class and we go each week to teach and this week was awesome. We decided to do open discussion and it is a class of about 15 teenagers. They decided to ask me about what it means to be a missionary. I was able to explain what we are doing here in Uruguay and give them all pamphlets in English about the restoration to read and study. They are all coming to play soccer with us this week so they can see what the church is like and I am super excited to see what we can get out of this:)

So I do not know if you guys remember Diana. She is the lady who moved to Provo Utah for 10 years and then came back to Uruguay. She has seen how priesthood blessings work and was almost baptized but decided to wait until she was in Uruguay and then once she got back she changed her mind and, decided the spirit was not the same here so she would wait until she got back to Utah once again. We talked with her this week while painting her house just about how many blessings she could already be receiving if she made this commitment 
with God now. She said she would think about it and we would talk this week. Please keep her in your prayers!!!

Allam is doing better than ever. He has now read all the way to 1 Nephi 21 and is loving the book of mormon. Also he got up this week to share his testimony about the differences he has seen in his life already and it was so cool. He has honestly changed so much.

This week our menos activo familia Valin are officially active. They are doing so well. This week we talked a lot about the power of family prayer and they have started to do family prayers every single day together, They are also taking us to Chuy for a pday which is even better;)

I loved the conference talk by Hermana Eurbank. It is so true that we have to be different and distinct and that that is a good thing! It is a good thing to choose the right and to follow the example of our Savior. It is a good thing to dress differently than others and to talk differently and to watch different things. I am so grateful to be a missionary and for all I have learned I hope you all have an amazing week.

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