Monday, October 1, 2018

Kid #2

Well friends and family, tomorrow I will go pick up a new missionary for the second time and I am soooo excited! Training is honestly one of the best things that I could have had happen this change and I am so so excited to see what he Lord has in store for me these next two cambios with her.

This week was awesome!!!!! We had a multi-zone conference with Elder Packer (son of Elder packer that was in the 12). It was an awesome conference where we really talked about the best and most effective ways to find new people to teach. Well it was great, we all felt great and spiritual and then he said he had chosen 8 missionaries with whom he wanted to do private interviews with and guess what, I WAS ONE OF THEM! I was actually so nervous but man it was awesome. He really gave me some great advice concerning how I can be more patient and ways to work better so that my companions can feel less stressed it was honestly one of the coolest experiences I have had.

We also had intercambios this week which meant I got to work with my BFF Hermana Chadwick the whole day and man we had a blast. It was for sure one of my favorite days of this cambio.

Well our baptisms went through!!! This week Camila and Tamara got baptized and it was one of the best baptism attendances I have ever had. We had so many people come that we had people sitting outside in the hallway man it was awesome. After the baptism ordinance they both decided to bear their testimonies and it brought tears to my eyes. They both shared how grateful they were to have the gospel in their lives and they both shared that their goal is that they can be missionaries one day as well. This is 100 percent the reason I served a mission and it makes all the hard moments so worth it. Now we are also teaching two of their best friends who want to be baptized as well. The lord is blessing San Jose de Carrasco so much. Julio is still fighting the cigarette but we are getting closer each day. As soon as he quits he will be baptized as well.

This cambio I really learned the significance of the quote that says: Happiness depends upon ourselves. And it is so true!!!! It is not one bit important our living circumstances or our friends or our looks or anything. We choose whether we want to be grateful and happy or sad and depressed. I am so grateful to have learned that! I am in control of how I feel. Taken, it is not an easy concept but that is my goal this next cambio to apply this principle and enjoy every day of my mission. I hope you all have an amazing week. I love you. Be happy:)

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