Saturday, October 6, 2018

14 Months!!! (July 10, 2017)

Wow I have been in the mission for 14 months and that just blows my mind how quickly time has flown. This week has been so so great. We have seen tonsssss of miracles and little blessings.

This week was obviously the 4th of July and even more obvious is that they do not celebrate that here hahah however we had some ward members that bought fireworks to shoot off with us and it was so so fun!!! It felt like America in Uruguay;)

It is raining like CRAZY this week but the rain leads to miracles. For example, Hermana Hatch and I were walking and just getting pounded by rain and the wind and I was just really done haha. Well I look to my right and see a soaking wet cardboard box closed and saw what looked like a little rat so me and Hatch went to look at it and guess what??!! IT WAS 4 10 DAY OLD PUPPIES. Someone left them on the side of the road!!! Well we took them and ran to a member and got them all dried and fed them out of little bottles (goats taught me something haha) We have now almost given them all away thankfully they made me so happy:) Not only do we save humans but animals also haha!

This week our stake did a super awesome pioneer activity in which all the youth participated and did a performance and it was so cool!!! Our converts Tamara and Camila took part and it was so fun to watch them be completing involved in the youth groups:) 

This week our friends from sushi invited us for a charla haha and it was AWESOME!!! They had tonnnnssss of questions and were super open to learning. They are both reading the BOM now to find out their own answers but wow they are so so awesome and I am super stoked to see the progression they are going to make:)

So I do not know if you all remember but we were teaching some less actives for a while that had not been active in 6 years that are extremely special. He was bishop and was super big in the church in Uruguay. Well they CAME TO CHURCH!!!! THEY CAME FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 6 YEARS!!!! They came in and said "we came to surprise Hermana Labrum" hahah -I started crying. We went to have a charla later that night and the hermano started crying and thanking us because he felt the spirit for the first time in 6 years. Then the hermana finally opened up about why she left the chirch and now we are working on taking away all her doubts little by little. I think I would call it the biggest miracle of my mission
I AM SO GRATEFUL TO BE A MISSIONARY. I think I just might be the most blessed person in the whole world. I love you all and hope you have the best week!

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