Monday, October 1, 2018

What's Coming Will Come and We Will Meet It When It Does (June 5, 2017)

WOW. We have had I think the fastest week in my mission. Time actually flew. I feel like I was just writing home yesterday but here I am again writing. Well I am finally learning a little more english. That has been one of my biggest challenges this week is helping Hermana Hatch understand by speaking English haha but I am improving.

This week we had a miracle. We have an investigator named Julio Acosta who wants to be baptized but has a problem with drinking. He loves to drink just one cup every night with dinner and cannot give it up. Well this week we dropped cane and basically said if he was not going to stop we would have to stop coming and that it was really all about just humbling himself before God. Well he sat and thought and then lifted his glass and poured it all out on the floor hahah and then he told us to go get all the wine and whiskey bottles (14 in total) and pour them all out and so we did just that hahaha (picture below) He is going to try for a week and then if he feels good and that it is right he will get baptized June 17!!!

We also started teaching two new little girls named Fiarella and Juliana. They are orphans living in an orphanage. Their sister got baptized about 3 years ago and they want to now so we got permission from the owner of the orphanage and have began teaching. It has been one of the sweetest experiences of my mission. I feel so happy when we are with them and the spirit so strongly. This week we are going to do game night with all the kids and I am SOOOO excited!

This week we also had tons of family nights but one in particular was that our BFF Romi and her husband Esteban went and made us american style hamburgers and apple pie. I have never been so happy.
This week we worked alot with Camila and she has her baptism date now and will be baptized this saturday!!! We also threw her a birthday party this week due to her rough home life and we got a lot of ward support and she was so happy:)

We also found an incredible new investigator!!! Her name is Sandra and SHE SPEAKS ENGLISH which saved Hermana Hatchs life haha- She is from England and moved to Uruguay about 50 years ago just for the fun of it. Well last night we had tea (hahah duh shes british) and she made cake and ordered a pizza and we just talked and she committed to reading the BOM. I am so happy

Also my comp is a personal trainer. I have never excersized or eaten so healthy in my life haha  I'm coming home fit. I hope you all will recognize me:)

This week my convert Tamara shared her testimony in church and i just cried. That is why i came on a mission. I really love my mission.

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