Saturday, October 6, 2018

It Is Not What We Possess: It Is What We Know (July 31, 2017)

This has been a really great week. I have learned a lot about who I am and what are the things that are really important. We have had a week FULL of service projects and also meeting people from all over the world. This week we made friends from Germany, Brazil, and good ole New York City;) I also bought myself a ukulele this week and it may be my favorite instrument in the world.

I do not know if you remember the Periera Familia who were less active and he was the bishop? Well this week marked their first week as active members!!! They have now come four weeks in a row. This week we went to their house each day at 6pm to read the Book of Mormon and watch a Mormon message with them to really help them get back in the habit of the basics and it was really special. They are slowly getting their testimonies back and it has been really amazing to watch how much happier and closer they are as a family. The gospel really blesses families.

Rodrigo has stopped smoking!!!! He has a baptism date for August 12 and I am soooo excited. He has really progressed. He reads the Book Of Mormon each night all on his own and said he has never felt such a desire to change his life. It is really cool to watch how the Lord really is preparing these younger people to accept the gospel because they will be your future missionaries!! He turns 18 in March and is already looking forward to a mission:)

Our friends at the sushi place are doing AMAZING. Now four of the guys there are listening to us. This week they invited us over and we helped them make all the sushi and taught us how it was done and wow it was soooo fun. Then we taught the plan of salvation and they are accepting the gospel so easily. They promised to be at church this sunday so we will see what happens!

I am so grateful to be here. Uruguay has really become home and has become a very sacred place. I am so grateful for each person I have met and each experience and miracle I have witnessed. I feel so blessed. Thank you for all the prayers and love sent my way each week. They are felt and helping me more than you know. I love you all so so much.

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