Monday, October 1, 2018

Do All Things With Love (May 29, 2017)

Well friends and family my second daughter has arrived to the mission and let me just say she is the best thing that has ever happened to my mission. I think the Lord gave her too me so that she can train me haha. She has reminded me how to love missionary work and how to 100 percent give it my all. I have never been so grateful for a companion honestly. Her name is Hermana Hatch from Arizona!! MY FIRST GRINGA IN OVER 8 MONTHS!!! I am loving it. Haha its funny because I cannot remember how to speak english to save my life but we are working little by little together on that one:) She has such a desire to speak the language and talk to everyone we pass. She is such a huge blessing.

So this week Camila and Tamara continued to be the best little missionaries and introduced us to a little girl named Camila that has a baptism date for the 10th of June. She is going to turn 13 saturday. She comes from extremely hard circumstances so the ward has come together and we are going to throw her a bday `party saturday in the church and I am super super excited about that. Julio continues to fight with the cigarettes but we are getting closer. Please keep him in your prayers this week!!

This week we had a charla with a part member family that was really good. The mom is a member and the husband and son are not. He has a big drinking problem that we are working on and this week we did a really different lesson. We made a gratitude journal with them and wrote down all the things we were thankful for and wow it was a really powerful lesson. It really helped him to realize how much the lord loves him and his family and how very blessed he is. It was a really really good charla.

This week while reading in Ether 4 verse 14 I found a quote that says: Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created. I thought a lot about this and that my mission is something I know I was prepared and destined to do. Everyday I watch myself fall more in love with this gospel and with this country. Each day I trust my heavenly father more and think a little less about myself. Each day I prefer to read a little more of the Book Of Mormon and think a little less about what I wanna do when I get home. The lord is molding me to be more like him and the Hailee he wants me to be everyday and I am so grateful. I know I am where I am needed. I am so grateful to be able to know so well the little country of Uruguayans with the biggest hearts and the most love. I love this gospel and know without a doubt how true it is. I hope you all have the best week and i love you!!

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