Friday, October 5, 2018

Feed My Sheep

So cambios have arrived once again and luckily I get to finish the training of Hermana Hatch and enjoy one last cambio here in San Jose!!! Hermana Chadwick is leaving (sad Hailee) but one of my fav hermanas from my group, Hermana Glousi, is coming and that will be super fun!!!

This week we had the baptisms of Fiarella and Yuliana and it was such a cool baptism. I felt kinda like a mini mom haha considering they live in an orphanage so no one came to support them;( However me and Hermana Hatch tried to make it a really special day for them and I think we accomplished that. The ward really helped us with making it a really special baptism. The girls are super super happy:)

This week we started teaching a really cool new investigator named Rodrigo who is one of the sickest investigators I have had. He is 17 and half and the son of a member in our ward. He was in a family night we did and then after I asked if he was interested in the charlas and he said no. However, Sunday he showed up to church!! He said he thought a lot about what we talked about and decided he wanted to start taking the charlas, quit smoking, and wants to be baptized the first week of August! He is honestly so awesome. He pays so much attention to what we teach and is really applying it in his life. I am so grateful to be here man.

This week I found my new love. SUSHI!!!! I LOVE IT! So me and Chadwick had an intercambio this week and met two redheads from Venezuela haha that never happens. Well they invited us to come try their sushi place and WOW. I have gone 3 times in the last week.......But the best part. One of the brothers, Alejandro, texted us yesterday and asked if Wednesday we could do a lesson in the church because he is really interested in learning about our church! And then after we are getting sushi of course;)

This week while reading in John I found the part where Jesus is talking to Peter about the importance of feeding his sheep. He says that if Peter really loves Him he will feed his sheep. This really stuck with me. If I love my Savior I will Feed his sheep and I will give it my all. This has been a weird week for me because I will only have two more changes after this and that is so weird how quickly it is coming to an end. Then I realized, it really does not end! There are people everywhere searching to find Christ and that will be my responsibility forever: To feed his Sheep.

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