Monday, October 1, 2018

Venga Lo Que Venga: Disfrutalo (June 26, 2017)

This week has just been so great. I literally learned so much about patience and really about my own testimony and how much I have changed as a person. This week we really had so many miracles happen here in San Jose de Carrasco.

So our cute little girls in the orphanage will be getting baptized this Saturday!! They are so excited and asked if they could swim in the baptismal font after haha I love them for that so it will be a really fun baptism.

This week we had a charla in the house of the Mission President with his family and it was one of the most spiritual charlas ever. We went with our investigator with Julio to try and help him find motivation to stop smoking so he can get baptized the first week of August! It was a really cool moment to listen to presidents family share their testimonies in their little spanish that they know. Julio really loved it and said he really has the desire to stop smoking again!

This week we also had the conferencia de oros with Hermana Hatch and it was so cool to see how advanced she is in her spanish!!! She literally speaks better than anyone in her group:) 

This week while reading in Alma 60 I found verse 23 that I absolutely loved. It talks about how we have to be clean and pure on the inside and how we have to make sure we are pure and happy on the inside before we worry about the outside. I love yall and hope you have a great week.

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