Monday, October 1, 2018

Wow! I have never had so many people in my life tell me that I am German. Hahah I think that since me and Hermana Hatch are blonde they just think we are Germans. Well we have started just going with it because it is way more fun to be able to pretend to speak German.

This week we had a really awesome multi-zona conference in Maldonado and it was sooo inspired!!!! We talked a lot about the power of the Book of Mormon and how it truly can change so many lives. I also got asked to play the piano at the conference which made me soooooooo nervous but I did it!!!! This week we also had great charlas with the little girls in the orphanage and it went so so well. There are three of them with baptisimal dates and they all came to church this Sunday and loved it! Tonight we have a family night with them and some ward members to teach the plan of salvation and we are hoping that will go well. This week we also finally started to see some more progress in Julio. He began smoking a lot again and said he had kinda given up hope so we talked about a new plan of doing the process of leaving behind smoking a little bit slower. So we made up a 50 day program for him to stop smoking because he really wants to be baptized before I leave the area so we are going to shoot for 50 days and see what happens:) 

This week we also went back to see Sandra and she is actually reading the Book of Mormon!!!! I was so so surprised honestly. She found a part pertaining to baptizing little kids and she said it was exactly what she was searching for and that it was an answer and so we watched the Restoration with her (in english) haha and she loved it! She is super sick and cannot leave her house but we are going to keep just trying to teach her in her home and hopefully when she is better she can come to church!

This week while reading in Romans I found a verse I LOVED. It says, "Peor si esperamos lo que no vemos, con paciencia lo esperamos" I love love this. It is so true that we have to have patience and a hope that God has a plan and that he knows exactly what we need and when we need it. He will never let us down and will never leave us alone. He will guide us where we need to go and will help us make our decisions. He loves us and wants nothing but the best for us, I am so grateful to have a loving Heavenly Father and to know that he will never ever let me down. I love you all. Have a great week:

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