Monday, October 8, 2018

Nevertheless Not As I Will, But As Thou Will

This week has been so weird!!! Haha but a good weird. We have been doing the weirdest service projects and got asked to go on a radio show this next week in Punta Del Este hahaha. This week we made a TON of Guatemalan food and found a delicious crepe restaurant.

So, Allam is finally getting baptized!!! This next Saturday is the big day:) This week we had a super cool experience with him. He called and said he needed us to come to his house right away. Well, we were a little worried but went. He took us to the house he grew up in and invited his mom, brother, and grandma to listen to the charlas. So we taught them all about Jesus Christ and just how much he loves us and they asked if it would be okay if they came to the baptism for Allam and of course we said YES. It was super cool to just watch how he is already becoming a missionary even before he is a member. This week was full of family nights with different families and Allam so he could start forming relationships with the member and it was super fun and busy.

We found the most amazing investigator this week. Like really. While knocking doors Monday night we came across a lady who told us she did not want anything but we could go visit her aunt. Well we went and she let us right in the house which NEVER happens haha. We sat down and I started looking around for clues of something to talk about and see a picture of Jesus Christ and the Family Proclamation with a Book of Mormon. Well so I ask wait are you a member? And she said NO. Well I was super confused haha. Well turns out she moved to Provo Utah for 10 years!!! She blessed her kids in the church and went all the time but never got baptized. When she moved back here she had plans to do it but went to the church here and said it was cold and the spirit was not the same so she quit going. It was a miracle to find her. We are in the process of finding her friends in the church and then hopefully she will come back. SUPER COOL.

This week a member called and said he had a service project and we needed to come in pants and it would be 2 hours. HAHA We had to chase 100 chickens and catch them to cut their wings and WOW IT WAS AWFUL HAHA. But, we did it and we get to go back this Saturday to finish the other 100:)

This week I learned the key to a happy life: We have to be willing to do what Heavenly Father wants even if it is not how we want to do things. He knows better. The moment that we decide to just trust and do what he asks is when we find true happiness. I love you all and hope you have the best week.

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