Monday, August 29, 2016

104 Days

Wow I literally have 104 days in the mission. Man how time flies!!! This week was awesome. We are making a lot of progress with our investigators and we are getting work done, haha!! I will not lie, Saturday was one of my hardest days in the mission because well as you all know my best friend for my entire life got married. Michelle Perdue is now a Gillhouse. It was a hard day for me in the mission but I am so, so proud of her.

This week we had a noche de hogar every single night with one of the ward members. We have an awesome, awesome ward. They are literally like family and it is amazing. We explored a new part of our area for the first time this week and it is the area right beside the beach and wow! It is absolutely stunning! It is literally nicer than most places in the United States haha but when you have areas like this people are not quite as receptive, but it was a great time with lots of contacts but no futures. I had a fun moment during this, haha. A man we talked to only wanted to talk in English so of course that is my responsibility and guess what??!! I literally could not speak English for anything. Every other word, if not more, was in Spanish and it was absolutely horrible haha, but it really showed me how much my Spanish is improving. It was a great moment for me.

So we are visiting Marcela everyday and it is really hard. Addictions are awful but she is trying and we are slowly making process. It is absolutely heartbreaking to see her situation but she said her first prayer this week and it was such an awesome moment. I had a very strong impression to have the elders give her a blessing so I asked her and they gave her one and it was an extremely powerful moment. We also have a girl named Venus who was baptized when she was 8 but left the church at 11 so she knows really nothing but we are working with her and I have never felt the Spirit so strong as when I testified to her that I know this church is true. It was absolutely spectacular and guess what?? She came to church this Sunday!!!! What a blessing to teach this gospel every single day.
I read in 2 Nephi 4 this week and wow it is one of my new favorite chapters. It talks about the difference in praying and pouring out your heart and it is amazing. I have really been working on praying with real intent this week and I have seen a change in my life because of it. I am so grateful to have the gift of prayer and be able to talk to my Father in Heaven whenever I want. I hope you all have an amazing week. Know that Hermana Labrum is enjoying every moment of her mission.

Le Quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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