Thursday, August 11, 2016

Week One in Maldanado

Well let me start by saying I am in a whole new world, haha.  This place is nothing like Pando. I miss my sweet little Pando but man this place is beautiful. I am in one of the main parts of the city where there are people with lots of money (very different from humble Pando). Now since this is a white wash area, we are completely starting fresh. I do not think I have ever walked so much in my life. We walk about 7 hours straight each day. It is absolutely exhausting but it is great, haha. People are friendly here but not quite as receptive to hearing our message. We currently have nine futures for this week but no investigators at the moment. But we are working hard! I am absolutely loving it. It is the best feeling to go to bed each night absolutely exhausted because I know I put my all into the day, The ward here is awesome!!! There are about 90 members which is so different than the 30 in Pando and I love it. They are so friendly and so grateful to have sisters because there have not been sisters here in over 5 years.

My companion is amazing. This is her last six weeks so that is a little hard watching her have to leave but she is a hard worker and we work great together and I am learning a little Portuguese, haha. 
We have been working a lot with the young womens president here and with the youth. We assisted young womens this week and went to visit menos activos and I am loving it. They have a lot of them struggling in this ward and I love being able to be with them and teach them and share my testimony. It is amazing here!

Today we were in Punto Ballena which you will see pictured below. Wow!! It is absolutely beautiful. Casa Pueblo es aqui tambien and wow it was an awesome day. We did a zone activity and my zone and district are awesome. I am definitely in the most beautiful part of Uruguay.

Also I have a new favorite food.....but I am very scared of it, haha. I have no idea what is in it. Someone please look it up for me, haha. It is called Chorizo. What am I eating????

I had a really amazing opportunity to finish the Book of Mormon this week and this was my first time to truly read it and really read each part. I know without a doubt this book is true and is capable or blessing and changing every single life in this world. When we read it with real intent our possibilities are endless. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to serve.  The mission is hard but it is so amazing to watch how much my life is already changing and how I truely am becoming my first convert. Have an amazing week. Thank you for the love and support.

Le quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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