Monday, August 29, 2016

3 Months!

I have officially been in the mission for over 3 months. Pretty crazy how quickly time flies but also how slowly time moves. I have to say this week was amazing and definitely a game changer for me in the mission. I absolutely love the mission! Every part of this week was amazing. I am learning to forget myself more and more and I am watching myself become so much happier. Spanish is really starting to come!!! All of the members say it is great (but they are just nice) haha. This week we found 6 new investigators and had a noche de hogar with a member each day so we have definitely been staying very busy. I am absolutely loving my companion; she is such a blessing for me and I am loving the mission life.

Some fun things that I love about Maldonado for ya: There are beautiful green and blue parrots that fly around everywhere here, there are gorgeous flowers, we eat lots of tortas fritas (like fried tortillas with dulce de leche), and drink a coffee that isn´t coffee that all the members give us. We have a panaderia across from our house so we eat lots of sweets during the week. We have the absolute best ward in the world. They are amazing! They have really become my familia and are always helping us with whatever we need and bringing us food and just wow!!!

There is one of my investigators I want to talk about. Her name is Marcela and we found her in the street. We passed her and then automatically Hermana Guth and I turned back around and she started crying and told us she needed help. She is a heavy alcoholic but wants to quit and so we walked her home and had a charla about Gods love for her and then the next day we came back and cleaned her house with her. All of her family lives in the USA so she is super lonely and does not want to live anymore. We are having daily contact with her and sometimes twice a day to help her move towards Christ. We have set goals for her to stop drinking and it is really hard but we are going to get there. Sharing with her about Gods love for her was amazing! It is so neat to watch her start to understand this.

I am so grateful to be here. There is not a better feeling in the world than touching someone's soul and watching them change but also watching yourself change. Every time I teach I feel a joy that is indescribable. I know without a doubt God loves each of His children and this church is the true church and has the power to change every single persons lives. I hope you have an amazing week. Thank you for all the love, support, and prayers.

Le Quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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