Monday, August 29, 2016

The Mission is a Dream

Wow I love the mission! I cannot even express my love for the mission. It is literally a dream come true for me. This week was pure magic. First I want to say thank you to all my family on my moms side that sent me letters this week. I recieved a letter from each cousin and aunt and uncle and it made my whole week to get to hear from all of them.

Fun fact for you this week!!!! Here in Uruguay during this time of the year there are tons and tons of whales passing through!!! At the beaches here you can sit and watch the whales and they are pretty dang close. There are about 30 right now that are super close. After writing you all I will be heading back to the beach to watch the  whales. It is spectacular!!!

This week started real rough. It was hot and all our charlas fell through so we basically walked in circles for two days straight. But man there is opposition in all things and how grateful I am for that. After the hard times comes the greatest of miracles. We have a new investigator ahora that i think is going to be my first convert!!! He is 16 and his name is Franco and he is what we call oro (I don't remember this word in English, haha) but man he is awesome. He knows nothing about Christ or anything so we are starting fresh and I have high hopes for him. He is super interested and just awesome - wow! We taught the Plan of Salvation and he understood and accepted everything!!!

We had our conference in the temple this week and what a blessing to get to go to the temple and be spiritually refilled. We talked a lot about how God literally cannot give us the miracles we want without faith and action on our part. I have worked really hard this week on having my faith stronger and then acting on it and man it is changing my mission for me!

So Marcela, as I have said, is an extreme alcoholic dealing with very serious issues. We visit her each day and usually she leaves or just cries or says nothing. I was starting to become really discouraged and then miracles happened. The last 4 days she has smiled and laughed. I have learned the trick with her is talk about the US because she misses it so much. She prayed for the first time this week. I cried the whole time. The ability to watch someone change because of the spirit is absolutely indescribable. I have never felt like this! She has started reading the Book of Mormon with us and she danced with me in the kitchen and laughed. Quite the change! She is still dealing with extreme depression but she is changing 'Little by Little'. I  truly can see her in the temple 3 or 4 years from now. What an amazing momento for me!

We endured a flood this week. Our boots were literally full of water, it was windy and cold, but we endured and walked all day in water up to our shins almost, haha. The roads were completely flooded but once again opposition in all things and después is the miracles. We have been using the Young Women here a lot for charlas and I absolutely love it. We usually have a noche de hogar about 3 times a week. This ward is amazing haha. I  never want to leave Maldonado.

I would love you all to read the talk by President Uchtdorf called "He will place you on His shoulder and carry you home". It is amazing and really explains the power of our Savior as our friend. This gospel is real. It changes lives. It makes people truly happy. I love my mission. I have never in my life made a better decision. It kicks my butt sometimes but man after that it gives me the sweetest of moments. Thank you for the love and support. Have an amazing week.

Le quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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